Thursday, May 2, 2013

FMF: Brave

Howdy there Bloggy,

Time for Five Minute Friday. I am linking up with Lisa Jo Baker. Today our word is BRAVE.


Two weeks ago now our FMF word was JUMP. I wrote about how I felt like I was standing on the edge of a cliff tempted to jump off and see if the Lord would catch me. 

Here is my follow up post. 

This was beyond my comfort zone. And it showed as I walked into the room, limbs shaking. I slapped on my nametag and grabbed the nearest chair at the emptiest table. One occupant. I was too nervous to speak. 

I used my full bladder as an excuse to get up and leave, to take my time washing my hands and waiting for the 'program' to start. 

I came back to a full table of talking ladies.

'Be Brave', I told myself. So I tried jumping in the conversation, voice shaking, cheeks heated. 'You are such a dork.' was repeated like a mantra in my head. 

"Be Brave" said the Lord. 

I gave up. I gave in. I had jumped, but I was clinging to the edge of the cliff face. Time to freefall. 

And you know what? I had a marvelous time. I got to know 2 wonderful ladies, who I hope to meet up with again. 

Thank you Lord for catching me when I let go. Thank You for my bravery. 


Thanks for stopping by The Christian Sugar Addict!

Five Minute Friday


  1. Wahoo! Good job lady! Way to be brave!

  2. {high five} love this :) I know how incredibly hard that is to do, love that you jumped in! God is faithful :)

    1. God is good--all the time! I just had to share how God was faithful!

  3. Way to be BRAVE and kick that fear to the curb! I love it...and I love how God blessed you. Happy Friday! :)

    1. Happy Friday to you was well, Mel! I am so glad BRAVE was our word!

  4. Oh mylanta...when we listen to that still small voice, look what happens!
    You know...I've never regretted heeding that voice...
    proud of you! {HUGS}

    1. Thank you! That is what I want this to be: a testimony to heeding that voice!

  5. Walking in to a room/situation not know anyone makes me more nervous that actually standing on a cliff so I have say you my friend are so brave on my book.

    1. lol I think standing on the edge of a cliff would be scary, but definitely not AS scary as meeting new people!!

  6. Alyssa - I love this!!! Congrats - the freefall is the best part - but I know... I know that that is so easy to forget for I am a cliff edge clinger(-oner?) as well! So proud of you for not listening to the voices that tried to push you back! Leaning In with you!

    1. thank you! I am not one of those people who like skydiving or bungee right on the ground is where I like to be! God seems to have other plans...

  7. I love when we listen to Him remind us to be brave. Even when we are chicken within! Love this- congrats!

  8. Awesome!!! YAY you for jumping and being brave.

    1. Thanks! The more I think about it the more I realize how brave I was, but how I would always do it again!

  9. Woo Hoo, way to go brave one.


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